29 April 2010

Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft 2

Half Life 2 Dog Papercraft Okaci's working on a new Dog papercraft (Alyx Vance' robot from Half-Life 2), left leg only for now.

Since many have of you have complained about certain papercrafts that are released in parts, just make sure to bookmark this page and I'll put the links to Dog's other parts (when it's released) here as an update.

Half-Life 2 - Dog Papercraft 2 [Download]

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Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft 1


  1. What the heck... I've been working on Dog for like... a year. >:-| Now some other guy is gonna come by and try to do it. Ugh.

  2. Does it have the same form / pose?

  3. @Ron: Yeah, the exact same. That's actually the position that the model comes in when you extract it. :p

  4. If it makes ya feel better Gollum, I wouldn't build any other Dog craft than yours :) when you release yours of course

  5. Can you move some of its limbs? if not, you can probably change the textures a bit to add some damage or battle scars

  6. @Anon: Haha, thanks. Glad to see I've got some support. :p

    @Ron: Nah, it's too late for any of that. I've already been testbuilding for the past few months, and I really don't want to start over.

  7. don't worry, we'll still shine the spotlight on it, do let me know when it's done.

  8. Hope SOMEONE releases one soon. Chamoo even built hers but never released it. Bloody tease.

  9. I finished the leg ... but I'm willing to start from scratch on the complete model. I didn't realize there was another ...



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